
2023年英国TOP17大学硕士申请费用大公开 最高要达到120英镑!


剑桥大学:50或70 英镑;

牛津大学:75 英镑,所有课程(不含 MBA);

LSE 伦敦政经学院:80 英镑所有课程;

IC 帝国理工学院:硕士授课型80英镑,商学院的所有理学硕士100 英镑,商学院MBA课程150英镑;

UCL 伦敦大学学院:普通授课型硕士:90英镑;金融管理等硕士:160英镑;

Slade School of Fine Art Applicants:35 英镑;

Eastman Dental Institute Applicants:120英镑;

曼彻斯特大学:商学院以下课程需要支付 60 英镑申请费:

MSc Accounting and Finance

MSc Finance

MSc Finance and Business Economics

MSc International Business and Management

MSc Marketing

MSc Management

MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis

KCL 英国大学国王学院:70-100 英镑;

诺丁汉大学:50 英镑;

格拉斯哥大学:商学院课程:25 英镑;

布里斯托大学:商学院以下课程需要支付 60 英镑申请费:

MSc Accounting and Finance;

MSc Accounting, Finance and Management;

MSc Finance and Investment;

MSc Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability;

MSc Business Analytics;

MSc Human Resource Management and the Future of Work;

MSc Management

MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

MSc Management (International Business)

MSc Management (Marketing)

MSc Management (Project Management)

MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability)

MSc Management (Digitisation and Big Data)

MSc Management (International HRM)

MSc Marketing;

MSc Social Science Research Methods (Management);

MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management;

MSc Strategy, Change and Leadership;

MSc/MRes Economics;

MSc Economics and Finance;

MSc Economics, Finance and Management;

华威大学:所有授课型课程:60 英镑;

杜伦大学:所有商学院课程:60 英镑;

伯明翰大学:以下课程需要支付 50 英镑

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Advanced Mechanical Engineering (full time MSc)

School of Biosciences

Molecular Biotechnology (full time MSc)

Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences

Clinical Oncology (full time only - MSc and PGDip)

Institute of Applied Health Sciences

MPH: Masters in Public Health (full time)

Business School

Human Resource Management (full time MSc)

Money; Banking and Finance (full time MSc)

Money; Banking and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters

International Money and Banking (full time MSc)

International Money and Banking with Integrated Pre-Masters

International Accounting and Finance (pathway 1) full time MSc

International Accounting and Finance (pathways 2 and 3)

International Business (full time MSc)

Financial Economics (full time MSc)

Financial Management (full time MSc)

Financial Technology (full time MSc)

Investments (full time MSc)

Economics (full time MSc)

Economics (part time MSc)

Management (full time MSc)

Management: Operations (full time MSc)

Management: Organisational Leadership and Change (full time MSc)

Management: Strategy (full time MSc)

Marketing (full time MSc)

Research Insights in Marketing

Strategic Marketing and Consulting (full time MSc)

南安普顿大学:50 英镑申请费

纽卡斯尔大学:以下课程需要申请费:50 英镑

Economics MSc(subject to approval)

Sustainable Entrepreneurship & Innovation MSc (subject to approval)


巴斯大学:管理学院:60 英镑;经济学院以下课程:60 英镑

MSc Economics

MSc Economics and Finance

MSc International Money and Banking


MA Interpreting and Translating

MA Translation with Business Interpreting

利物浦大学:管理学院和计算机学院需要支付 25 英镑申请费。







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